Manager of the Month

Tresco is proud of all the effort and commitment every manager displays when they are of service to the people with differing disabilities, their families, and the community. In appreciation of the management team, Tresco recognizes the following Managers of the Month.

Elijah Paul Bason
Rest Areas Manager

In January 2021, the manager of the month was Mr. Elijah Paul Bason. Paul is the Rest Areas Manager with Tresco’s Contracts Department. He was recognized for his leadership skills in the development of the Rest Areas team. Thank you, Paul, for your hard work!


Danette Montoya
Commissary Project Manager

In February 2021, the manager of the month was Ms. Danette Montoya. Danette is the Commissary Project Manager with Tresco’s Contracts Department. She was recognized for her outstanding performance. For the past three years, Danette has gone above and beyond, and she performs so well that we hardly hear from her. Thank you for all you do, Tresco appreciates you!

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